商品の説明 Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master 創造性を刺激するアートやデザイン、音楽関連の書籍 インスピレーションを得たい方に最適な作品が揃っています 自分の表現力を高めるためのヒントが満載です 英語版 ハードカバー アート、デザイン、音楽に関する書籍を取り揃えています 購入後、カバーのついた状態で一読し、その後本棚で保管していました。全体的にきれいな状態です。 クリエイティブなインスピレーションを提供し、芸術や音楽の世界を深く探求します 美しいビジュアルと詳細な解説が特徴です 即購入歓迎、お値段交渉はご遠慮ください。 Comprehensive in scope and elegant in design, Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master is a landmark publication resulting from several years of work in collaboration with the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, and based on a recent critical publication on Klee's /"pedagogical legacy./" The book contextualizes a selection of 137 works--including paintings, watercolors and drawings, made between 1899 and 1940--with nearly 100 handwritten notes selected from classes Klee gave at the Bauhaus, alongside an extensive array of archival objects and documents ranging from archival photographs to the artist's herbaria through to his reading, sketchbooks and publications. Demonstrating the unity of Klee's art and pedagogy--the unity of his hand and mind--Bauhaus Master presents an artist thinking with and through his materials and image-making practices, endlessly testing both. #パウル・クレー #バウハウス 商品の情報 カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > アート・デザイン・音楽商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域兵庫県
Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master
Comprehensive in scope and elegant in design, Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master is a landmark publication resulting from several years of work in collaboration with the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, and based on a recent critical publication on Klee's /"pedagogical legacy./" The book contextualizes a selection of 137 works--including paintings, watercolors and drawings, made between 1899 and 1940--with nearly 100 handwritten notes selected from classes Klee gave at the Bauhaus, alongside an extensive array of archival objects and documents ranging from archival photographs to the artist's herbaria through to his reading, sketchbooks and publications. Demonstrating the unity of Klee's art and pedagogy--the unity of his hand and mind--Bauhaus Master presents an artist thinking with and through his materials and image-making practices, endlessly testing both.
カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > アート・デザイン・音楽商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域兵庫県